Sunday 30 May 2021

Learning English with Second Life

My friends and I met in the application called Second life and discussed how we can learn English using that application.

Thursday 27 May 2021


 Using social networking as an educational tool will take education a huge step forward.  What is meant here is not to leave students alone with technology in lessons.  It is also to benefit from technology while training.  Students contribute to their education both personally and socially by using Web 2.0 tools similar to that application, just as we did by using the "Blogger" application.  He improves himself personally and researches as he writes, adds new information to his knowledge.  In social terms, by sharing what they know with other people, it also leads the society to progress.

Whether or not using Web 2.0 tools works well in education is entirely up to the educator.  How the educator guides students to use the application and how the educator uses those tools affects the outcome of the training. Also, students keep in touch with each other, which supports them in terms of both motivation and learning.

“Cooperation is the watchword, not control. Web 2.0 applications work on the basis of participation not coercion.”(Mason and Rennie, 2008).

Here is the blog addresses belonging to my friends, you can take a look at these addresses and get the more and clear information about the issues I am missing.

Halil Üneş:

Ali Efe Duymuş:

Eslem Gülümseyen:

Büşranur Kaya:

Esra Acar:

Wednesday 5 May 2021

Using Voki

 Voki is a free space where you can create a variety of videos. While dealing with the subject of occupations with my students, I created separate videos of each profession using Voki.  Then I recorded these videos and showed them to my students. Thus, both the videos belong to me, and my students are students of their occupations with my sentences. I put some of the occupation videos links I created using voki below.

Eliza- the Student 

Eva- the Doctor

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Using Padlet

 In this lesson, we used the application called Padlet to brainstorm with my students. Padlet is a digital board application where you can fill an empty wall with the contents you want. I opened a board and shared its link with my students. Students also logged into the application with a link on google, and in the Friends unit, we brainstormed what features a good friend should have. Students also added their ideas and desired photos to the board.

Answer Garden the feedback tool!

  Nowadays all over the world is on the verge of change to online education. Boring and classic face-to-face trainings are left behind. Onli...