Sunday 30 October 2022

Wednesday 26 October 2022

Interactive class with Mentimeter

 Mentimeter is an online app that you can use in your classes. As a teacher, you only need a screen to show the word cloud and as a learner, they need smartphones. A teacher creates a question on Mentimeter and shares the question's code with his/her class. 

                  A teacher can share the class code as a code or he/she can share it as a QR code.

Teacher and learner entrance is different. While teachers create quizzes or questions and open word clouds on, learners enter from

When learners write their answers, answers show up on the screen. The most common written answers will be in the middle of the screen and the other answers cover them. 

What is a Word Cloud?
Word Clouds (also known as wordle, word collage, or tag cloud) are visual representations of words that give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently. For Mentimeter Word Clouds, the words that are added most frequently by audience members using their smartphones. This type of visualization can help presenters quickly collect data from their audience, highlight the most common answers and present the data in a way that everyone can understand.



Answer Garden the feedback tool!

  Nowadays all over the world is on the verge of change to online education. Boring and classic face-to-face trainings are left behind. Onli...